- The Lazy Gastronome - https://www.lazygastronome.com -

Caprese Skewers with Lavender Balsamic Reduction

Caprese salad is a simple salad made of sliced, fresh mozzarella, sliced tomatoes, basil, salt and olive oil.  It is supposed to resemble the Italian flag!  Well here is a great picnic version of a classic salad!

What you need:

Balsamic Reduction –

** Culinary lavender is simply the flower that has been grown without any chemicals and is safe to eat.

NOTE:  If you cannot find the balls (like I could not), purchase a large blocks (about 12 oz.) and make your own with a melon ball tool.  Save the scraps to chop and put in pasta!

How to Do it:

Make the reduction first.  Place all the ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.  Watch it though, it will boil over fast!!  As soon as it begins to boil, remove from heat and place on a low burner.  Simmer until it has reduced by about half.  This takes about 45 minutes.

Remove from the heat and cool.  Put into a container that has a narrow hole (like a mustard or ketchup bottle) and chill.

Put the skewers together by placing on a tomato, basil, cheese, basil, tomato.

Repeat for all 12 sticks.  Chill.

When ready to serve, place on a plate and drizzle the reduction over the top – Serve!

Make 12 skewers



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