- The Lazy Gastronome - https://www.lazygastronome.com -

Minted Fresh Fruit Salad – A Taste of Sunshine

It’s fall and winter is starting to blanket itself over us.  But you can invite a little bit of summer into your meal with this delicious and easy fruit salad.  Any fruit works, but I like the tropical blends.  Try the two below and add some banana – or swap out the cantaloupe for mango – Then sit yourself down and enjoy!

What you need:

How to Do it:

Toss everything together in a large bowl.  Chill for 3-4 hours before serving to the flavors blend.


This dish is perfect for brunch, a side dish with curry or spicy Mexican food – or simply as a delicious and healthy snack!

Here are some suggestions for combos –


Serves 4



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