- The Lazy Gastronome - https://www.lazygastronome.com -

Roasted Corned Beef and Potatoes

I don’t know about you, but in March, when corned beef goes on sale, I buy several to put in the freezer.  I pulled the last one out this last weekend and thought, how should I cook this?  We were getting pretty tired of boiled beef and cabbage.  It’s a tough cut of beef so it has to cook slow and can’t be roasted like just any cut of beef….

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What you need:

How to Do it:

Drain and rinse the beef.

Place the mushrooms in the bottom of a baking pan and spread olive oil and garlic over them.

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Place the beef over the mushrooms, trying to cover them as much as possible.

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Add enough water to cover about ½ the beef.

Cover tightly with foil and bake at 275 degrees for about 3 to 4 hours, or until the beef is starting to get fork tender.  Add water as needed.

Remove from the oven and take off the foil.  Cover the beef with slices of bacon.  Add the potatoes and turn the heat up to 350 degrees.

Cook, uncovered for another 45 minutes to an hour, until the beef is tender and the bacon is browned.

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Remove from the oven and allow to rest for about 10 minutes.  Slice thin and serve hot.

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Serves 4

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