Chocolate and Lavender-Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich

It’s National Ice Cream Sandwich day! The original sandwich was sold in New York from a push cart – for one penny! That was back in 1900, but things have sure changed since then! Jerry Newberg sold the more modern sandwiches, the ones we are more familiar with, in 1945 at Forbes Field.

And today we have sandwiches made with every kind of ice cream and every kind of sides. Here’s one for you that is super easy to celebrate the day! It starts with store bought cookies and ice cream!

What you need:

  • 2 cups of vanilla ice cream
  • Lavender syrup (below)
  • 8 large chocolate cookies (like Safeway’s extreme chocolate chunk)


  • ½ cup water with ¼ cup fresh, culinary lavender blossoms
  • ¾ cup sugar

How to Do it:

Bring the water and the blossoms to a boil, then simmer for about 10 minutes to start the syrup. Add the sugar and simmer until it is reduced to about 2 Tablespoons. Let cool.

Take the ice cream out of the freezer and stir in the syrup. It will be soupy.

Put it back int the freezer until it is firm. OR

Use this No Churn Lavender Ice Cream.

Split between four of the cookies.

Put the remaining cookies on top and freeze.

Makes 4 servings.

© Copyright 2018 The Lazy Gastronome

Below are some of the items we used to create this recipe!

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4 Responses to Chocolate and Lavender-Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich

  1. YUM, looks good! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 17 for Chocolate Desserts, open May 15 to 25. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.

  2. Adriana says:

    What a lovely combination with lavender, vanilla and chocolate. These are so scrumptious. Came out perfect!

  3. Adriana says:

    What a nice option for dessert. Gotta love ice cream sandwiches and more when the cake is chocolate.

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