Love Food? Try One Of These Food Industry Careers!

When was the last time you thought about the career you wanted? If you’re not in a job you really enjoy, it’s time to assess what you want the most and whether it’s accessible to you or not. If you consider the things that you love the most, think about the hobbies you love and how you can monetize them. Those who love to sew can make hair bands and handbags and sell them on. Those who love to bake can sell their brownies and biscuits. If you have a talent for cooking, the food industry could be where you want to be.

If you’re interested in getting involved in the trends toward local and sustainable food, you could think about all the roles possible in the food services industry and how you could make your mark within it. Whether you are keen to open your own business or you have a talent for brewing your own beer, there’s a place for you in the industry itself. You could even combine a love of food and a love of science and involve yourself in molecular gastronomy. Keep reading! We’ve got some of the best options for careers in the food industry!

Craft Brewer.

It’s becoming one of the most popular endeavors in the food and drink world. Opening up the market for seasoned brewers has gotten easier and easier, and entrepreneurs in beer, cider and wine are emerging as a result. It can be hard to get started, but craft brews are in high demand in restaurants and bars right now. Be a part of it!

Market Manager.

Are you a fruit and veggie lover? You’ll know then that the market for local and sustainable food is growing. There are over 8,000 farmers markets in the US today, and with this boom comes a huge upswing in jobs.

Food Stylist.

If you’re an aspiring chef, you know the difficulty of making your dishes look pretty. As a food stylist, you’re going to focus on the aesthetic of the meals for editorial and commercial purposes. If you have a good idea for detail and you love to deal with photography, food styling could be for you!

Health Coach.

With delicious food comes the need to remember your health. Some of the best food is indulgent and calorific, but with holistic health coaching, you can gain some support in the inclusion of healthy foods, understanding how to treat your body and learn the ropes in nutrition to eat well every day. You can learn to plan healthy meals for others and help others with their nutrition goals, too.

Molecular Gastronomist.

Science and art added to food, right? Carrot caviar and bacon ice cream. Mango foam with lemon sorbet, balsamic vinegar pearls – all of these are perfect examples of molecular cookery. This is cooking broken down into another dimension and it can make for a very unique career choice. Chemistry and physics are used to examine the taste and texture of food and the way that it works together.

So think about it. See anything here that you’ve dreamed of doing? Go for it!

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2 Responses to Love Food? Try One Of These Food Industry Careers!

  1. Pingback: Food Business - 7 Steps To Running A Food Business From HomeThe Lazy Gastronome

  2. Pingback: What Every Cook Needs to Know for Protecting Their Hair in the Kitchen - The Lazy GastronomeThe Lazy Gastronome

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