Nutrition 101 for College Students

Nutrition 101 – The average college student is overstressed, burnt out, and often pressed for time. This is why so many young people attending college are looking for New Approaches to Education and want to combine healthy living with a nutritious diet that will leave them feeling refreshed and ready for the busy day ahead. Unfortunately, late-night dinners and obscene amounts of pizza and other fast food choices can make it impossible to maintain a balanced regimen.


Still, you can always start changing your life for the better by adopting healthier food habits and prioritizing your well-being. Eating well might mean different things to different people. So, here are a few nutrition tips for students who would like to receive the nutrients their body needs. Healthy eating habits can help you accomplish a number of goals, including the increased ability to overcome stress and perform better in the classroom.

Understand the Basics

Before you search for a diet that will benefit your health, you have to be aware of the basic rules of nutrition. A healthy eating regimen should contain a fair number of vegetables, fruits, fats, protein, and whole grains. You should also learn to eat regular meals and snacks to keep your energy level high. Think of foods with a fine combination of protein and carbohydrates to protect you from stress without giving you a sugar rush. Some examples of wholesome foods you need to feel better are green peas, lentils, black beans, buckwheat, and cereal.

Add Color

A colorful plate of food is always more appealing than the bland display that is usually found in the high school cafeteria. By choosing fresh food with a variety of color, you make sure you have a variety of vitamins and minerals. Variety of color equals balanced nutrition.

You can start your path to a healthier lifestyle with tomatoes and red chili peppers on your plate, followed by green beans and lettuce as an alternative to sandwiches and hot dogs. Strawberries and raspberries are a healthy choice for students who prefer having a fruit plate in the morning to restore their energy level fast.

Eat Breakfast

“I don’t need breakfast. I just need help with my paper and a coffee!”.

If this sounds familiar, you are a typical student too stressed to care about getting some food before a morning lecture. However, multiple studies have shown that skipping breakfast may result in lower academic grades. Even if your schedule is unstable and you are used to getting up at noon, ensure you have healthy foods in your dorm room so you can always grab a quick breakfast as you are getting ready for classes. A whole wheat piece of bread with cheddar cheese and a cup of tea in the morning will help you focus on your studies throughout the day and ensure you don’t collapse from fatigue as you walk through your campus hall back to your dorm.

Plan Your Meals

Students often feel pressured to grab some foods on the go and forget about the nutritious effects of these foods as they try to navigate their academic lives. However, there is a way to make your dining experience more thoughtful. Before you decide to have lunch on campus, think of your meal plan for the day. Would you rather eat a sandwich or go straight to the salad bar instead, following a healthy regimen? Proper food choices are often hard to make, including those requiring students to get some soup and grilled chicken with vegetables instead of their go-to meals like pizza and burgers.

Choose Healthy Snacks

When you must revise your study materials for the next lecture during the late night hours, hunger can sneak up unexpectedly. There is always a risk of giving in to temptation and running to the vending machine for a chocolate bar, but is it worth it? If you adopt a habit of having healthy snacks in your dorm room, you will be able to control your midnight cravings. Dried fruits, pretzels, crackers, and fresh fruits are excellent ice cream and chips alternatives. Having them within reach allows you to maintain your diet and eat something nutritious every time hunger strikes.

Mind Your Caffeine

We all know how coffee can stimulate our nervous system and make us more alert, especially when facing an incredibly challenging test or preparing for our examinations. However, you need to keep your caffeine dependency in check if you want to avoid consequences like insomnia or decreased concentration. It has been confirmed that having more than three coffees during the day may lead to disrupted sleep patterns. Instead of consuming energy drinks or your fourth cappuccino as you go on campus, try substituting caffeine with something more effective. Including delicious snacks like dried fruits or Greek yogurt in your diet can give you that needed lift.

Find Balance

While eating healthy as a college student is undoubtedly important, you should also think of food as a source of enjoyment.  It’s a great way to connect with your culture and cuisine. Eating with friends on campus can be one of the positive ways to bond with people. You can explore a more creative approach to healthy eating and everything related to it. For example, eating a vegetable salad after you have had a few slices of your favorite pizza is a great decision. Students who don’t want to remove fast food options from their meal plan but would like to improve their health and general well-being.


So eat less pizza and donuts and eat more fresh, whole foods. Your mood and stamina will thank you.


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