Category Archives: Main dish

What’s for Dinner? The Final Act

I can’t believe I’ve been doing this blog for more then nine years!! It’ a lot of work coming up with new ideas, testing them, writing and photographing them, and then posting them out here. It’s work I’ve loved doing! … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish | 16 Comments

Good Bye is Always Hard

It’s been a long ride and I’ve enjoyed every moment, but the time has come to say goodbye. Effect 7/31/2024, the Lazy Gastronome will be retiring. Thank you everyone for your support through the years and the kindness you’ve shown. … Continue reading

Posted in Main dish | 18 Comments

German Style Gnocchi and Brats

We love sausage at our house – and we are fortunate enough to have an artisan sausage company near us!! We picked up these delicious brats and cooked them up with some German style gnocchi and greens!

Posted in German, Main dish, pork | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

Grilled Shrimp and Tomatoes

It’s grill time!! Nothing says summer like some food cooking on the grill and sitting in the fresh air to enjoy it! This grilled shrimp and tomato recipe is easy, delicious, and light enough for a hot day!

Posted in Main dish, Shellfish | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

Grilled Silver Salmon with Orzo and Lemon Garlic Butter Sauce

It’s grill season! And what better way to kick it off than with a beautiful silver salmon fillet.

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